Do Baby Products Contain PFAS?

Also called “forever chemicals”, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), accumulate in the human body and they remain there for years. Also, these chemicals do not break down in the environment. (4)

Even more alarming is the range of baby products with PFAS in the market which include wipes, diapers, strollers, car seats, pillow protectors, and upholstered furniture. PFAS are used in coatings for children’s clothing to make them stain, oil, and water-resistant. (5)

You purchase these items for your children, thinking you are keeping them safe. In many cases, you pay top dollar for a product containing toxic chemicals without knowing it. This is because the labels do not always list the PFAS.

“Exposure to PFAS does real harm. Companies sell products, knowing they contain PFAS, yet do not make consumers aware of that fact. Those companies turn a blind eye to the harm their products do and must be held accountable,” insists James Bilsborrow, W&L partner and co-chair of our Environmental, Toxic Tort and Consumer Protection group.

Are There PFAS in Baby Formula?

Worse yet, the most likely path of exposure to PFAS for infants is by eating and drinking.

“Newborns can be exposed to PFAS through breast milk or through formula made with water that contains PFAS,” warns one state’s Department of Health. (6)

The health department explains, “over time, the level of PFAS in… bodies may lead to adverse health effects.” It continues “If people ingest PFAS (by eating or drinking food or water that contain PFAS), the PFAS are absorbed, and can accumulate in the body.” (7)

PFAS in Green Products

Commercial use of PFAS is widespread. It has been detected in products where consumers least expect to find it, even in those labeled as “green.”

The Silent Spring Institute studies the environment and women’s health. According to this nonprofit research group, “A new study shows many children’s products, including those with green certifications, contain harmful PFAS chemicals that were not listed on the label.” (8)

The problem stems from the fact, “Green certifications are created by third party organizations and offer assurances that a product does not contain certain harmful chemicals. However, certifications vary in their safety standards and they don’t all cover the same list of chemicals,” says the Institute. (9)

If your baby has suffered a serious health effect following exposure to PFAS, contact us today to understand your legal rights.

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What Baby Product Brands Contain PFAS?

“More than 9,000 PFAS have been identified,” states the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (10) So many different harmful chemicals make it difficult to determine which baby product brands to avoid.

Mamavation is an online blog focused on “empowering women through eco-wellness.” (11) The blog has published results from its own toxicity tests of strollers, car seats, and clothing.

Among the brands of baby strollers tested, these are the ones it believes contain the highest levels of PFAS: (12)

  • Babytrend Envy.
  • Babyzen.
  • Bugaboo Bee.
  • Graco Verb Click Connect.
  • Joolz.
  • Uppababy NOA.

Tested car seats with higher levels of PFAS include: (13)

  • Baby Trend, Envy Infant Seat & Stroller.
  • Chicco, KeyFit 30 Infant.
  • Evenflo, Nurture Infant.
  • Graco, Verb Click Connect Infant Seat & Stroller. 

When selecting strollers and car seats, “Look for other chemical fire retardants, heavy metals, PFAS ‘forever chemicals,’ PVC (aka vinyl) plastic, and antibacterial agents like triclosan,” suggests Mamavation. (14)

Children’s clothing brands tested with higher PFOA levels are: (15)

  • Land’s End Boys School Uniform Pants.
  • Land’s End Girl’s Dress Shirt.
  • Land’s End Toddler School Uniform Mesh Polo.
  • Columbia Kid’s Pants.
  • Old Navy Girls School Uniform Shirt.
  • Children’s Place Pants.
  • Gap Baby Jeggings.
  • George Boys School Uniform Twill Pants.
  • Snug Bub Baby Onesie.
  • REI Girl’s Shorts.

When shopping for baby clothes, be wary of items labeled as stain-resistant, water-resistant, stain-repellant, or water-repellant. These items likely contain PFAS, cautions Mamavation. (16)

What Are the Health Effects of PFAS on Babies and Children?

Babies and children can suffer health injuries from baby products with PFAS. Some of the adverse health effects from PFAS exposure for babies and children include: (17) (18)

Troubling findings have emerged from studies on the health effects of PFAS on pregnant women, their fetuses, and young children. Scientists now think these chemicals are “meddling with gene regulators and hormones that control two of the body’s most critical functions: metabolism and immunity,” reports The New York Times. (19)

It continues, “More disturbing, PFAS can also alter levels of both mothers’ and babies’ thyroid hormones, which oversee brain development, growth and metabolism, and also play a role in immunity.” (20)

Babies whose mothers were exposed to PFAS, “are more likely to undergo abnormal growth in utero, leading to low birth weight, and later face increased risk of childhood obesity and infections,” adds the newspaper. (21)

If your baby has developed a serious health condition after being exposed to PFAS, contact us today for a free case review.

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Has your child suffered any of these negative health effects due to exposure to toxic amounts of PFAS? Or have you purchased a product you thought was safe only to learn that it contained toxic PFAS? If so, you want to take steps to make things right. All your legal options should be considered.

One of the most effective legal options you have is to become part of a class action lawsuit. A class action lawsuit looks at the big picture.

To file a class action lawsuit, you need a law firm experienced in multidistrict litigations. You also want a firm used to suing multiple large corporate defendants.

Such cases are challenging. This is why W&L has a team dedicated to consumer protection. Our team of attorneys has the knowledge and experience to get the results you need.

We are concerned about your child’s health and safety. You should not be subject to unknowingly using products you think are safe — but contain dangerous chemicals that can make your children sick.

How W&L Can Help

Our team of attorneys represents people across the country. And we go up against corporate giants to secure justice and compensation for our clients.

As a recognized leader in handling the type of litigation you need, W&L can set the legal process in motion for you. We are there to guide you through each step, from start to finish.

Here are some cases where our clients were exposed to PFAS and other toxic chemicals. In these cases, our clients gained justice and a share of millions of dollars in compensation:

  • W&L obtained a large settlement providing justice for multiple plaintiffs in a Roundup herbicide exposure case, after tens of thousands of Americans developed Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do all baby wipes have PFAS?

What baby wipes should you avoid? PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ) ingredient lists for some popular brands of baby wipes have been analyzed by organizations such as Consumer Reports and Made Safe. These groups have compiled lists of baby wipes deemed safe, meaning there are no known risks. (22)

However, baby wipes are a topical form of exposure, while PFAS exposure is usually through eating. There is still not enough data available to determine the effects of topical exposure. (23)

How to tell if a product has PFAS?

The best way to tell if a product contains PFAS is to read the label. You especially want to avoid products with fragrances because they often contain phthalates, parabens, phenoxyethanol, cocamidopropyl betaine, propylene glycol, and 1,4-dioxane. (24)

What effects do PFAS have on infants?

Studies show PFAS can affect growth and learning in infants. These chemicals also interfere with natural hormone levels in the body, can affect the immune system, (causing vaccines to be less effective), can increase cancer risks, and increase the risk of high cholesterol and hypertension. (25) Additionally, PFAS can lead to thyroid changes and can affect the liver. (26)

What fetal complications can PFAS cause?

PFAS cause negative health outcomes during pregnancy, birth, and later in life. In utero exposure to PFAS is associated with increased incidences of gestational diabetes, childhood obesity, preeclampsia, and fetal growth restriction. PFAS interfere with placenta function at the molecular level. (27)

What baby wipes should you avoid?

Based on an analysis of listed ingredients, Consumer Reports found that these brands of baby wipes pose risks of exposure to PFAS: (28)

  • Amazon Elements Unscented, Fragrance Free Baby Wipes.
  • Huggies Natural Care Sensitive & Fragrance Free.
  • Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes.
  • Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes.
  • Parent’s Choice (Walmart) Gentle Clean Fragrance Free Baby Wipes.
  • Seventh Generation Sensitive Protection Cleansing Baby Wipes.