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Showing 118 results for "Mesothelioma"

Client Exposed to Asbestos in Talc Receives a Seven-Figure Settlement

A diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma — an aggressive form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure — shocked our clients. Neither she nor any of her family members worked in occupations that might put her at risk for exposure to asbestos, a known carcinogen. Yet, in July 2016, the diagnosis was confirmed. After learning of her…

W&L Secures Multimillion-Dollar Settlement for Asbestos-Exposed Veteran

A veteran who was exposed to asbestos from a number of products came to Weitz & Luxenberg for help after he received a terrible medical diagnosis. We accepted his case and were ready to go to trial with his lawsuit. Right at the start of his trial, the companies we were suing decided to settle….

New Opdivo Treatment for Asbestos-Related Diseases

Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. is known for providing top-notch legal care in a number of personal injury fields. We care about our clients. Many of our attorneys entered this area of law due to illnesses that occurred in their own families and loved ones. They know firsthand the irreparable damage that can be caused by…

Multimillion-Dollar Settlement in Refinery Pipe Repairman Asbestos Case

Weitz & Luxenberg pursued all the defendants in this case filed in Philadelphia on behalf of our client, diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, who is still alive and who still has not reached his 60th birthday. The lawsuit named dozens of defendants — ranging from manufacturers to oil companies to home builders — and all but…

NYC Unions Announce Charity Walk For Asbestos-Related Cancers On September 26

Union leaders Al Wassell of Heat & Frost Insulators Local 12 and Patrick Dolan Jr. of Steamfitters Local 638 will lead the iWalk4MESO virtual race on Tuesday, September 26 in honor of Mesothelioma Awareness Day. Supporters can join the virtual race from anywhere and with any distance, and donations made for the walk will go…

Attorneys at W&L Secure Multimillion-Dollar Settlement for Army Veteran Auto Mechanic

Weitz & Luxenberg is proud to announce that we have been successful in getting a multimillion-dollar settlement in compensation for our client who suffers from mesothelioma. Our attorneys have successfully gotten verdicts and settlements totaling $17 billion for our clients. Our client, a New Jersey resident, worked as mechanic for most of his life, replacing…

W&L Wins $75 Million in Largest Single Asbestos Verdict Ever in New York

A jury has awarded Weitz & Luxenberg clients, Marlena and Ed Robaey, a $75 million verdict after decades of asbestos exposure led to Mrs. Robaey’s mesothelioma. This is the largest single case verdict ever for Weitz & Luxenberg. “This verdict is a major victory for our clients, who have suffered immensely because negligent companies failed…

W&L Secures Asbestos Verdict Against Caterpillar, Inc. in Lung Cancer Case

Weitz & Luxenberg has achieved a landmark $12.5 million verdict against Caterpillar, Inc. in New York County Supreme Court on behalf of a mechanic who developed lung cancer. “Caterpillar chose not to warn the public about the asbestos in its machines for decades, to the detriment of my client and his family,” said Danny R….

You Don’t Have to Be a Doctor to Help Fight Cancer: All You Need to Do Is Walk

For years, Weitz & Luxenberg has fought for the rights of those affected by mesothelioma, which kills an estimated 3,000 Americans annually. This year the firm has created the iWalk4MESO Virtual Race to both raise public awareness of the rare disease and generate funds for research. Its premise is so simple, practically anybody can become…

W&L Sees Cancer Research Month As Ideal Time to Provide Free Access to Cancer Study Data

Weitz & Luxenberg, P.C. today said it agrees with Vice President Joe Biden that the lives of more cancer victims could be saved if cancer researchers were able to more freely access published studies and, most importantly, their underlying data. The nationally known personal injury and mass tort law firm said it believes publishers of…